emda methods module

Author: “Rangana Warshamanage, Garib N. Murshudov” MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology

This software is released under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0; see LICENSE.

emda_methods.apply_bfactor_to_map(mapname, bf_arr, mapout)

Applies an array of B-factors on the map.

mapname: string

Map file name.

bf_arr: float, 1D array

An array/list of B-factors.

mapout: bool

If True, map for each B-factor will be output.

all_mapout: complex, ndarray

4D array containing Fourier coefficients of all maps. e.g. all_mapout[:,:,:,i], where i represents map number corresponding to the B-factor in bf_arr.

emda_methods.applymask(mapname, maskname, outname)

Apply a masl on map

emda_methods.average_maps(maplist, rot=0.0, ncy=5, res=6, interp='linear', fit=True, tra=None, axr=None, fobj=None, masklist=None)

Calculates the best average maps using Bayesian principles.

Calculates the best average map using Bayesian principles. This is done in two steps; 1. Parameter estimation using a likelihood function, 2. Best map calculation. Parameter estimation is similar to map overlay where each map is brought onto static map by maximizing the overlap. The best maps are calculated using superimposed maps.

maplist: list

List of half maps to average.

masklist: list, optional

List of masks to apply on maps. len(masklist) == len(maplist) // 2

rot: float, optional

Initial rotation in degrees. Default is 0.0.

axr: list, optional

Rotation axis. Default is [1, 0, 0].

tra: list, optional

Translation vector in fractional units. Default is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

res: float, optional

Fit start resolution in Angstrom units. Default is 6.0 Angstrom.

ncy: integer, optional

Number of fitting cycles. Default is 5.

interp: string, optional

Interpolation type either “linear” or “cubic”. Default is linear.

fobj: string

File object for logging. If None given, EMDA_average.txt will be output.

fit: bool, optional

If True, map fitting will be carried out before average map calculation. Default is True.


Outputs a series of overlaid maps (fitted_map_?.mrc). Also, outputs a series of average maps (avgmap_?.mrc)

emda_methods.b_from_correlation(half1map, half2map, resol, kernel_size=5, mask_map=None)

B from local correlation

emda_methods.balbes_data(map1name, map2name, fsccutoff=0.5, mode='half')

Returns data required for Balbes pipeline.

Required data is output with their references in EMDA.xml.

map1name: string

Name of the map 1.

map2name: string

Name of the map 2.

fsccutoff: float, optional

FSC of desired resolution. Defualt is 0.5

mode: string

Mode can be either ‘half’ or ‘any’. If the input maps are the half maps, mode should be ‘half’. Otherwise, mode should be ‘any’. Default mode is half.


Outputs EMDA.xml containing data and references to other data. No return variables.

emda_methods.bestmap(hf1name, hf2name, outfile, mode=1, knl=5, mask=None, B=None)

Calculates EMDA bestmap


Returns the center of mass of 3D density array.

This function accepts density as 3D numpy array and caclulates the center-of-mass.


arr: density as 3D numpy array


com: tuple, center-of-mass (x, y, z)

emda_methods.compositemap(maps, masks)

Computes composite map

emda_methods.difference_map(maplist, diffmapres=3.0, ncy=5, mode='norm', fit=False, usehalfmaps=False, usecom=False, fitres=None, masklist=None)

Calculates difference map.

maplist: string

List of map names to calculate difference maps. If combined with fit parameter, firstmap in the list will be taken as static/reference map. If this list contains coordinate file (PDB/CIF), give it in the second place. Always give MRC/MAP file at the beginning of the list. e.g:

[test1.mrc, test2.mrc] or [test1.mrc, model1.pdb/cif]

If combined with usehalfmaps argument, then halfmaps of the firstmap should be given first and those for second next. e.g:

[map1-halfmap1.mrc, map1-halfmap2.mrc,

map2-halfmap1.mrc, map2-halfmap2.mrc]

masklist: string, optional

List of masks to apply on maps. All masks should be in MRC/MAP format. e.g:

[mask1.mrc, mask2.mrc]

diffmapres: float

Resolution to which difference map be calculated. If an atomic model involved, this resolution will be used for map calculation from coordinates

mode: string, optional

Different modes to scale maps. Two difference modes are supported. ‘ampli’ - scale between maps is based on amplitudes . ‘norm’ [Default] - normalized maps are used to calculate difference map. If fit is enabled, only norm mode used.

usehalfmaps: boolean

If employed, halfmaps are used for fitting and difference map calculation. Default is False.

fit: boolean

If employed, maps and superimposed before calculating difference map. Default is False.


Outputs diffence maps and initial maps after scaling in MRC format. Differece maps are labelled as

emda_diffmap_m1.mrc, emda_diffmap_m2.mrc

Scaled maps are labelled as

emda_map1.mrc, emda_map2.mrc

emda_methods.estimate_map_resol(hfmap1name, hfmap2name)

Estimates map resolution.

hfmap1name: string

Halfmap 1 name.

hfmap2name: string

Halfmap 2 name.

map_resol: float

Map resolution determined by the halfmap FSC.

emda_methods.fetch_data(emdbidlist, alldata=False)

Download data and model

emda_methods.fouriersp_correlation(half1_map, half2_map, kernel_size=5, mask=None)

Calculates Fourier space local correlation using half maps.

half1_map: string

Name of half map 1.

half2_map: string

Name of half map 2.

kernel_size: integer, optional

Radius of integration kernal. Default is 5.


Following maps are written out: fouriercorr3d_halfmaps.mrc - local correlation in half maps. fouriercorr3d_fullmap.mrc - local correlation in full map

using the formula 2 x FSC(half) / (1 + FSC(half)).

fouriercorr3d_truemap.mrc - local correlation in true map.

Useful for validation purpose.

emda_methods.get_biso_from_map(halfmap1, halfmap2)

Calculates the isotropic B-value of the map.

halfmap1: string

Halfmap 1 file name.

halfmap2: string

Halfmap 2 file name.

biso: float

Map B-iso value.


Calculates the isotropic B-value of the model.

mmcif_file: string

mmCIF file name.

biso: float

Model B-iso value.

emda_methods.get_data(struct, resol=5.0, uc=None, dim=None, maporigin=None)

Returns data of a map or a model into an ndarray.

Reads map data into an ndarray, or if the structure input is an atomic model, it calculates the map from the model and returns as an ndarray.

struct: string

CCP4/MRC map file name or PDB/ENT/CIF file resol: float, optional

resolution to calculates map from model. Default is 5.0 A.

uc: float, 1D array

Parameter for modelmap generation. If absent, this will be determined by dim parameter.

dim: sequence (integers), optional

Parameter for modelmap generation. If absent, this will be determined from the size of the molecule.

maporigin: sequence (integers), optional

Parameter for modelmap generation. If present, the calculated map will be shifted according to this information. If absent, this parameter is taken as [0, 0, 0].

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell

arr: float, 3D array

Map values as Numpy array

origin: list

Map origin list

emda_methods.get_dim(model, shiftmodel='new1.cif')

Returns the box dimension to put the modelmap in.

Determines the dimension of the box for the model based map.


model: atomic model as .pdb/.cif shiftmodel: name for COM shifted model, optional.

Default name - new1.cif.


dim: integer, dimension of the box.

emda_methods.get_fsc(arr1, arr2, uc)

Returns FSC as a function of resolution

arr1: float, ndarray

Density array 1.

arr2: float, ndarray

Density array 2.

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell

res_arr: float, 1D array

Linear array of resolution in Angstrom units.

bin_fsc: float, 1D array

Linear array of FSC in each resolution bin.

emda_methods.get_map_pointgroup(maplist, reslist, use_peakheight=True, peak_cutoff=0.8, use_fsc=False, fsc_cutoff=0.7, ang_tol=5.0, emdlist=None, fobj=None)

Returns the point group of map.

This function determines the point group of an EM map using ProSHADE and EMDA.


maplist: list of strings List of map names in mrc/map format.

reslist: float List of map resolutions

use_peakheight: bool ProSHADE peaklist is used to decide the point group. Default option.

peak_cutoff: float Cutoff for peak heights in the peaklist. Default is 0.8. However, if the highest peak is lower than this threshold then the cutoff is chosen such that highest - 0.1.

use_fsc: bool If true, FSC is used in place of Proshade peak list to decide the point group.

fsc_cutoff: float Cutoff for FSC. Default is 0.7.

ang_tol: float Tolerence for angle between two axes in the proshade axes list. Default is 5.0 degrees.

emdlist: list of strings EMDB-id list to keep the correspondence in results.


pglist: list of strings Point group list decided by EMDA

ppglist: list of strings Point group kist decided by ProSHADE


Calculates the map power spectrum.

mapname: string

Map name.

res_arr: float

Resolution array.

power_spectrum: float

Map power spectrum.

emda_methods.get_variance(half1name, half2name, filename=None, maskname=None)

Returns noise and signal variances of half maps.

Returns noise and signal variances of half maps. Return values are not corrected for full map.

half1name: string

Name of the half map 1.

half2name: string

Name of the half map 2.

filename: string

If present, statistics will be printed into this file.

maskname: String

If present, input maps will be masked before computing variances.

res_arr: float, 1D array

Linear array of resolution in Angstrom units.

noisevar: float, 1D array

Linear array of noise variance in each resolution bin.

signalvar: float, 1D array

Linear array of signal variance in each resolution bin.

emda_methods.half2full(half1name, half2name, outfile='fullmap.mrc')

Combines half maps to generate full map.

half1name: string

Name of half map 1.

half2name: string

name of half map 2.

outfile: string, optional

Name of the output file. Default is fullmap.mrc

fullmap: float, 3D array

3D Numpy array of floats.

emda_methods.halfmap_fsc(half1name, half2name, filename=None, maskname=None)

Computes Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) using half maps.

Computes Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) using half maps. FSC is not corrected for mask effect in this implementation.

half1name: string

Name of the half map 1.

half2name: string

Name of the half map 2.

filename: string

If present, statistics will be printed into this file.

maskname: String

If present, input maps will be masked before computing FSC.

res_arr: float, 1D array

Linear array of resolution in Angstrom units.

bin_fsc: float, 1D array

Linear array of FSC in each resolution bin.

emda_methods.halfmap_fsc_ph(half1name, half2name, filename='halffsc.txt', maskname=None)

Computes Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) using half maps.

Computes Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) using half maps. FSC is not corrected for mask effect in this implementation.

half1name: string

Name of the half map 1.

half2name: string

Name of the half map 2.

filename: string

If present, statistics will be printed into this file.

maskname: String

If present, input maps will be masked before computing FSC.

res_arr: float, 1D array

Linear array of resolution in Angstrom units.

bin_fsc: float, 1D array

Linear array of FSC in each resolution bin.

emda_methods.lowpass_map(uc, arr1, resol, filter='ideal', order=4)

Lowpass filters a map to a specified resolution.

This function applies a lowpass filter on a map to a specified resolution. This operations is carried out in the Fourier space. Note that lowpass map will have the same shape as input data.

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell params.

arr1: float, 3D array

3D Numpy array containing map values.

resol: float

Resolution cutoff for lowpass filtering in Angstrom units.

filter: string, optional

Fiter type to use in truncating Fourier coefficients. Currently, only ‘ideal’ or ‘butterworth’ filters can be employed. Default type is ideal.

order: integer, optional

Order of the Butterworth filter. Default is 4.

fmap1: complex, 3D array

Lowpass filtered Fourier coefficeints.

map1: float, 3D array

Lowpass filtered map in image/real space

emda_methods.map2mtz(mapname, mtzname='map2mtz.mtz', resol=None)

Converts a map into MTZ format.

mapname: string

Map file name.

mtzname: string

Output MTZ file name. Default is map2mtz.mtz


Outputs MTZ file.

emda_methods.map2mtzfull(uc, arr1, arr2, mtzname='halfnfull.mtz')

Writes several 3D Numpy arrays into an MTZ file.

This function accepts densities of two half maps as 3D numpy arrays and outputs an MTZ file containing amplitudes of half1, half2 and full map. The outfile data labels are H, K, L, Fout1, Fout2, Foutf, Poutf. The last four labels correspond to amplitude of halfmap1, amplitudes of halfmap2, amplitudes of fullmap and the phase values of fullmap, respectively.

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell params.

arr1: float, 3D array

Half1 map values.

arr2: float, 3D array

Half2 map values.

mtzname: string, optional

Output MTZ file name. Default is halfnfull.mtz


Outputs an MTZ file containing amplitudes of half maps and full map.

emda_methods.map_model_validate(half1map, half2map, modelfpdb, bfac=0.0, lig=True, model1pdb=None, mask=None, modelresol=None, lgf=None)

Calculates various FSCs for maps and model validation.

half1map: string

Name of half map 1.

half2map: string

Name of half map 2.

modelfpdb: string

Name of the model refined against full map in cif/pdb/ent formats.

model1pdb: string, optional

Name of the model refined against one half map in cif/pdb/ent formats. If included, FSC between that and half maps will be calculated.

mask: string, optional

Name of the mask file. It will apply on half maps before computing FSC. If not included, a correlation based masked will employed.

modelresol: float, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Resolution to calculate model based map. If not specified, an FSC based cutoff will be used.

bfac: float, optional

An overall B-factor for model map. Default is 0.0

lig: bool, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Set True, if there is a ligand in the model, but no description. Default is True.

lgf: string, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Ligand description file (cif).

fsc_list: list

List of FSCs is returned. If len(fsc_list) is 4, FSC lables are as follows: 0 - half maps FSC 1 - half1map - model1 FSC 2 - half2map - model1 FSC 3 - fullmap-fullmodel FSC If len(fsc_list) is 2, only 0 and 3 contains.

Outputs FSCs in allmap_fsc_modelvsmap.eps

emda_methods.map_transform(mapname, tra, rot, axr, outname='transformed.mrc')

Imposes a transformation on a map.

Imposes a transformation (i.e. translation and rotation) on a map and returns the transformed map.

mapname: string

Name of the input map.

tra: list of three floats values

Translation vector as a list in Angstrom units.

rot: float

Rotation to apply in degrees.

axr: list of three integers

Axis to rotation. e.g [1, 0, 0]

outname: string, optional

Name of the transformed map. Default is transformed.mrc.

transformed_map: float, 3D array

3D Numpy array of floats.

emda_methods.mapmagnification(maplist, rmap)

Refine magnification

emda_methods.mapmodel_fsc(map1, model, fobj, bfac=0.0, modelresol=5.0, lig=True, phaserand=False, mask=None, lgf=None)

Map-model FSC

emda_methods.mask_from_atomic_model(mapname, modelname, atmrad=5)

Generates a mask from atomic coordinates.

Generates a mask from coordinates. First, atomic positions are mapped onto a 3D grid. Second, each atomic position is convluted with a sphere whose radius is defined by the atmrad paramter. Next, one pixel layer dialtion followed by the smoothening of edges.

mapname: string

Name of the map file. This is needed to get the sampling, unit cell and origin for the new mask. Allowed formats are - MRC/MAP

modelname: string

Atomic model name. Allowed formats are - PDB/CIF

atmrad: float

Radius of the sphere to be placed on atomic positions in Angstroms. Default is 5 A.

mask: float, 3D array

3D Numpy array of the mask.

Outputs emda_model_mask.mrc.

emda_methods.mask_from_halfmaps(uc, half1, half2, radius=4, iter=1, dthresh=None)

Generates a mask from half maps.

Generates a mask from half maps based on real space local correlation.

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell parameters.

half1: float, 3D array

Half map 1 data.

half2: float, 3D array

Half map 2 data.

radius: integer, optional

Radius of integrating kernel in voxels. Default is 4.

iter: integer,optional

Number of dilation cycles. Default is 1 cycle.

dthresh: float, optional

The halfmap densities will be thresholded at this value prior calculating local correlation. If the value is not given, EMDA takes this values as the value at which the cumulative density probability is 0.99. This is the default. However, it is recommomded that this value should be supplied by the user and proven to be useful for cases those have micellular densities around protein.

mask: float, 3D array

3D Numpy array of correlation mask.

emda_methods.mask_from_map(uc, arr, kern=5, resol=15, filter='butterworth', order=1, prob=0.99, itr=3, orig=None)

Generates a mask from a map.

Generates a mask from a map.

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell parameters.

arr: float, 3D array

Map data.

half2: float, 3D array

Half map 2 data.

kern: integer, optional

Radius of integrating kernel in voxels. Default is 5.

resol: float, optional

Resolution cutoff for lowpass filtering in Angstrom units. Default is 15 Angstrom.

filter: string,optional

Filter type to use with lowpass filtering. Default is butterworth.

order: integer, optional

Butterworth filter order. Default is 1.

prob: float, optional

Cumulative probability cutoff to decide the density threshold. Default value is 0.99.

itr: integer, optional

Number of dilation cycles. Default is 3 cycles.

orig: list of three integer values.

Map origin. e.g. [0, 0, 0]

mask: float, 3D array

3D Numpy array of the mask.

Outputs lowpass.mrc and mapmask.mrc files.


Invert map

This method invert the map at its center-of-mass


mapname (string): Name of the map

emda_methods.model2map(modelxyz, dim, resol, cell, bfac=None, maporigin=None, ligfile=None, outputpath=None)

Calculates EM map from atomic coordinates using REFMAC5


modelxyz (string): Name of the coordinate file (.cif/.pdb) dim (list): Map dimensions [nx, ny, nz] as a list of integers resol (float): Requested resolution for density calculation in Angstroms. cell (list): Cell parameters a, b and c as floats maporigin (list, optional): Location of the first column (nxstart),

row (nystart), section (nzstart) of the unit cell. Defaults to [0, 0, 0].

ligfile (string, optional): Name of the ligand description file. Defaults to None. outputpath (string, optional): Path for auxilliary files. Defaults to current

working directory

bfac(float, optional): Parameter for refmac. Set all atomic B values to bfac

when it is positive. Default to None.


float ndarray: calculated model-based density array

emda_methods.model2map_gm(modelxyz, resol, dim, cell=None, maporigin=None)

Calculates model from coordinates using GEMMI in Servalcat


modelxyz (string): Name of the coordinate file (.cif/.pdb) dim (list): Map dimensions [nx, ny, nz] as a list of integers resol (float): Requested resolution for density calculation in Angstroms. cell (list): Cell parameters a, b and c as floats maporigin (list, optional): Location of the first column (nxstart),

row (nystart), section (nzstart) of the unit cell. Defaults to [0, 0, 0].


float ndarray: calculated model-based density array

emda_methods.mtz2map(mtzname, map_size)

Converts an MTZ file into MRC format.

This function converts data in an MTZ file into a 3D Numpy array. It combines amplitudes and phases with “Fout0” and “Pout0” labels to form Fourier coefficients. If the MTZ contains several aplitude columns, only the one corresponding to “Fout0” will be used.

mtzname: string

MTZ file name.

map_size: list

Shape of output 3D Numpy array as a list of three integers.


outarr: float 3D Numpy array of map values.

emda_methods.overall_cc(map1name, map2name, space='real', resol=5, maskname=None)

Calculates overall correlation coefficient (CC) between two density maps

This method calculates overall CC in real or Fourier space. First two inputs can be both maps or one of them is map and the other is an atomic model (pdb/ent/cif). If one of them is an atomi model, the resolution (Angstroms) should be given. Default resolution is 5 A.


map1name (string): Name of map1 map2name (string): Name of map1 space (str, optional): CC calculation in real/Fourier space. Defaults to “real”. resol (int, optional): [description]. Defaults to 5. maskname ([type], optional): [description]. Defaults to None.


occ: Overall CC corrected to fullmap hocc: Overall CC between half maps

emda_methods.overlay_maps(maplist, rot=0.0, ncy=5, res=6, interp='linear', hfm=False, modelres=5.0, masklist=None, tra=None, axr=None, fobj=None, usemodel=False, fitres=None, usecom=False)

Superimposes several maps.

Superimposes several maps using a likelihood function. All maps are overlaid on the first map.

maplist: list

List of maps to overlay.

masklist: list

List of masks to apply on maps.

rot: float, optional

Initial rotation in degrees. Default is 0.0.

axr: list, optional

Rotation axis. Default is [1, 0, 0].

tra: list, optional

Translation vector in fractional units. Default is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

res: float, optional

Fit start resolution in Angstrom units. Default is 6.0 Angstrom.

ncy: integer, optional

Number of fitting cycles. Default is 5.

interp: string, optional

Interpolation type either “linear” or “cubic”. Default is linear.

hfm: bool, optional

If True, overlay will be carried out on half maps. In this case, maplist will contain half maps. e.g. [map1_half1.mrc, map1_half2.mrc, map2_half1.mrc, map2_half2.mrc, …]. masklist will contain masks for each map. e.g. [map1_mask.mrc, map2_mask.mrc]. The length of masklist should be equal to half the length of maplist. If False, uses full maps for overlay. Default is False.

fobj: string

File object for logging. If None given, EMDA_overlay.txt will be output.


Outputs a series of overlaid maps (fitted_map_?.mrc).

emda_methods.predict_fsc(hf1name, hf2name, nparticles=None, bfac=None, mask=None)

Predicts FSC based on reference FSC curve and number of particles

emda_methods.prepare_refmac_data(hf1name, hf2name, outfile='fullmap.mtz', bfac=None, maskname=None, xmlobj=None, fsccutoff=None)

Prepare variance data for refmac refinement

emda_methods.read_atomsf(atom, fpath=None)

Reads ‘atomsf.lib’ file


Reads CCP4 type map (.map) or MRC type map.

mapname: string

CCP4/MRC map file name

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell

arr: float, 3D array

Map values as Numpy array

origin: list

Map origin list


Reads mtzfile and returns unit_cell and data in Pandas DataFrame.

mtzfile: string

MTZ file name

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell

df: Pandas data frame

Map values in Pandas Dataframe

emda_methods.realsp_correlation(half1map, half2map, kernel_size=5, norm=False, lig=True, model=None, model_resol=None, mask_map=None, lgf=None)

Calculates local correlation in real/image space.

half1map: string

Name of half map 1.

half1map: string

Name of half map 2.

kernel_size: integer, optional

Radius of integration kernal in pixels. Default is 5.

norm: bool, optional

If True, correlation will be carried out on normalized maps. Default is False.

model: string, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Name of model file (cif/pdb). If present, map-model local correlation will be calculated.

model_resol: float, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Resolution to calculate model based map. If absent, FSC based resolution cutoff will be employed.

mask_map: string, optional

Mask file to apply on correlation maps. If not given, correlation based mask will be employed.

lig: bool, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Set True, if there is a ligand in the model, but no description. Default is True.

lgf: string, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Ligand description file (cif).


Following maps are written out: rcc_halfmap_smax?.mrc - reals space half map local correlation. rcc_fullmap_smax?.mrc - correlation map corrected to full map

using the formula 2 x FSC(half) / (1 + FSC(half)).

If a model included, then rcc_mapmodel_smax?.mrc - local correlation map between model and

full map.

rcc_truemapmodel_smax?.mrc - truemap-model correaltion map for

validation purpose.

emda_methods.realsp_correlation_mapmodel(fullmap, model, resol, kernel_size=5, norm=False, mask_map=None, lgf=None)

Calculates real space local correlation between map and model.

fullmap: string

Name of the map.

model: string

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Name of model file (cif/pdb/ent/mtz/mrc).

resol: float

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Resolution to calculate model based map. All maps are lowpass filtered to this resolution before calculating local correlation.

kernel_size: integer, optional

Radius of integration kernal in pixels. Default is 5.

mask_map: string, optional

Mask file to apply on correlation maps.

norm: bool, optional

Defalt to False. If True, correlation will be carried out on normalized maps. Default is False.

lgf: string, optional

An argument for model based map calculation using REFMAC. Ligand description file (cif).


Following maps are written out: modelmap.mrc - model based map (only if atomic model is given). rcc_mapmodel.mrc - real space local correlation map.

emda_methods.rebox_mapmodel(maplist, masklist, modellist=None)

Reboxes a map by a mask.

This function reboxes a map by a mask into a smaller cube. Size of the box is determine by the size of te mask + 10 voxels in each dimetion. It can accept list arguments if there’s more than one map and mask. Also, a model can be given and then that will also be reboxed.


maplist (string): List of map names to be reboxed masklist (string): List of mask names to be used in reboxing modellist (string, optional): List of model names (pdb/cif) to be reboxed.

Defaults to None.


It outputs reboxed maps, models (if supplied).

emda_methods.resample_data(curnt_pix, targt_pix, targt_dim, arr)

Resamples a 3D array.


curnt_pix: float list, Current pixel sizes along c, b, a. targt_pix: float list, Target pixel sizes along c, b a. targt_dim: int list, Target sampling along z, y, x. arr: float, 3D array of map values.

new_arr: float, 3D array

Resampled 3D array.

emda_methods.rotate_density(arr, rotmat, interp='linear')

Returns a rotated array of density

Rotates the array of density using inperpolation.


arr: density as 3D numpy array rotmat: 3 x 3 rotation matrix as 2D numpy array. interp: string.

Type of interpolation to use: cubic or linear. Default is linear


rotated_arr: ndarray. Rotated array.

emda_methods.scale_map2map(staticmap, map2scale, outfile)

Scale one map to another map


Sets all dimentions equal and even

This function accepts 3D numpy array and sets its all 3 dims even and equal


x: 3D numpy array


x: 3D numpy array with all dims are even and equal


Sets all dimentions even

This function accepts 3D numpy array and sets its all 3 dims even


x: 3D numpy array


x: 3D numpy array with all dims are even

emda_methods.shift_density(arr, shift)

Returns a shifted copy of the input array.

Shift the array using spline interpolation (order=3). Same as Scipy implementation.


arr: density as 3D numpy array shift: sequence. The shifts along the axes.


shifted_arr: ndarray. Shifted array

emda_methods.singlemap_fsc(map1name, knl=3)

Returns Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) of a map.

Computes Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) between a map and its reconstituted other half from neighbough Fourier coefficients. This method can be used to estimate FSC based resolution. However, results seem to be reliable when an unfiltered map is used.

map1name: string

Name of the map.

knl: integer, optional

Radius of the integrating kernel.

res_arr: float, 1D array

Linear array of resolution in Angstrom units.

bin_fsc: float, 1D array

Linear array of FSC in each resolution bin.

Outputs reconstituted map as ‘fakehalf.mrc’


Generates a soft-edged spherical kernel.

radius: integer, optional

Radius of integrating kernel in voxels. Default is 5.

kernel: float, 3D array

3D Numpy array of spherical kernel.

emda_methods.symmetry_average(maplist, reslist, use_peakheight=True, peak_cutoff=0.8, use_fsc=False, fsc_cutoff=0.7, ang_tol=5.0, pglist=None, emdlist=None, fobj=None)

Returns symmetry averaged map.

This function does three difference things:
  1. Determines the point group of a map using ProSHADE.

  2. Identify group generators and refine them.

  3. Generate the full finite point group operators and use them to average the map.

If point groups are supplied, then they are used for symmetry averaging in C, D and O groups. Averaging in T and I groups is done using operators from refined axes. This function can be used to average maps, whose point groups and symmetry operators are not known a priori. NOTE: Current axis refinement for T and I groups may include numerical inaccuracies and so the symmetry averaged map may not be the optimal.


maplist: list of strings List of map names in mrc/map format.

reslist: float List of map resolutions

use_peakheight: bool ProSHADE peaklist is used to decide the point group. Default option.

peak_cutoff: float Cutoff for peak heights in the peaklist. Default is 0.8. However, if the highest peak is lower than this threshold then the cutoff is chosen such that highest - 0.1.

use_fsc: bool If true, FSC is used in place of Proshade peak list to decide the point group.

fsc_cutoff: float Cutoff for FSC. Default is 0.7.

ang_tol: float Tolerence for angle between two axes in the proshade axes list. Default is 5.0 degrees.

emdlist: list of strings EMDB-id list to keep the correspondence in results.

pglist: list of strings List of point groups


symavgmaplist: list of maps List of symmetry averaged maps

emda_methods.symmetry_average_using_ops(imap, ops, outmapname=None)

Returns symmetry averaged map using given operators.

This function can be used to average a map by a given set of symmetry operators.


imap: 3D-EM map in mrc/map format. ops: List of symmetry operators to be applied on the map.

List should not contain the identity. An operator must be a 3x3 matrix.


Results in a list: [symmetry-averaged-density, unit-cell, map-origin]

emda_methods.twomap_fsc(map1name, map2name, fobj=None, xmlobj=None)

Returns Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) between any two maps.

Computes Fourier Shell Correlation (FSC) using any two maps.

map1name: string

Name of the map 1.

map2name: string

Name of the map 2.

fobj: file object for logging

If present, statistics will be printed into this file.

xmlobj: xml object

If present, statistics will be printed into an XML file.

res_arr: float, 1D array

Linear array of resolution in Angstrom units.

bin_fsc: float, 1D array

Linear array of FSC in each resolution bin.

emda_methods.write_mrc(mapdata, filename, unit_cell, map_origin=None)

Writes 3D Numpy array into MRC file.

mapdata: float, 3D array

Map values to write

filename: string

Output file name

unit_cell: float, 1D array

Unit cell params

map_origin: list, optional

map origin. Default is [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

axesorder: string, optional

Axes order can be specified for the data to be written. By defualt EMDA write data in ZXY convension. With this argument, the axes order can be changed.


Output MRC file

emda_methods.write_mtz(uc, arr, outfile='map2mtz.mtz', resol=None)

Writes 3D Numpy array into MTZ file.

uc: float, 1D array

Unit cell params.

arr: complex, 3D array

Map values to write.


outfile: string Output file name. Default is map2mtz.mtz.