emda command line module

usage: emda [command] [arguments]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: info, halffsc, fsc, singlemapfsc, ccmask, mapmask, modelmask, lowpass, power, bfac, resol, half2full, map2mtz, map2mtzfull, transform, mtz2map, resample, resamplemap2map, rcc, bfromcc, mmcc, fcc, mapmodelvalidate, mapmodelfsc, overlay, average, diffmap, applymask, scalemap, bestmap, predfsc, refmac, occ, mirror, model2map, composite, magref, com, fetch, pointgroup, symmetrise, rebox



Output basic information about the map.

emda info [-h] --map MAP

Named Arguments


input map


Calculates FSC between half-maps.

emda halffsc [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--msk MSK] [--out OUT] [--phaserand]

Named Arguments


input map1 map


input map2 map


input mask (mrc/map)


output data table

Default: “table_variances.txt”


use if phase randomized FSC is calculated

Default: False


Calculates FSC between two maps.

emda fsc [-h] --map1 MAP1 --map2 MAP2

Named Arguments


input map1 map


input map2 map


Calculates FSC using neighbour average.

emda singlemapfsc [-h] --h1 H1 [--knl KNL]

Named Arguments


input map1 map


kernel radius in voxels

Default: 3


Generates a mask based on halfmaps correlation.

emda ccmask [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--knl KNL] [--itr ITR]
            [--dthreshold DTHRESHOLD]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


kernel radius in voxels

Default: 4


number of dilation cycles

Default: 1


threshold for density


Generate a mask from a map.

emda mapmask [-h] --map MAP [--knl KNL] [--prb PRB] [--itr ITR] [--res RES]
             [--fil FIL]

Named Arguments


input map


kernel radius in voxels

Default: 5


density cutoff probability in cumulative density function

Default: 0.99


number of dilate iterations

Default: 3


lowpass resolution in Angstroms

Default: 15.0


filter type to use: ideal or butterworth

Default: “butterworth”


Generate a mask from an atomic model.

emda modelmask [-h] --map MAP --mdl MDL [--atmrad ATMRAD]

Named Arguments


input map MRC/MAP


input atomic model PDB/CIF


radius of the atomic sphere in Angstroms

Default: 3.0


Lowpass filter to specified resolution.

emda lowpass [-h] --map MAP --res RES [--fil FIL]

Named Arguments


input map (mrc/map)


lowpass resolution in Angstrom


filter type to use: ideal or butterworth

Default: “ideal”


Calculates power spectrum.

emda power [-h] --map MAP

Named Arguments


input map (mrc/map)


Apply a B-factor on the map.

emda bfac [-h] --map MAP --bfc BFC [BFC ...] [--out]

Named Arguments


input map (mrc/map)


bfactor(s) to apply


if use, writes out map

Default: False


Estimates map resolution based on FSC.

emda resol [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


Combine two halfmaps to make the fullmap.

emda half2full [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


output map (mrc/map)

Default: “fullmap.mrc”


Convert MRC/MAP to MTZ.

emda map2mtz [-h] --map MAP [--res RES] [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input map (mrc/map)


resolution cutoff (A). default Nyquist


output map (mtz)

Default: “map2mtz.mtz”


Convert MRC/MAP to MTZ using half maps.

emda map2mtzfull [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input hfmap1 (mrc/map)


input hfmap2 (mrc/map)


output map (mtz)

Default: “map2mtzfull.mtz”


Apply a transformation on the map.

emda transform [-h] --map MAP [--tra TRA [TRA ...]] [--rot ROT]
               [--axr AXR [AXR ...]] [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input map (mrc/map)


translation vec. in Angstrom. eg 1.0 0.0 0.0

Default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


rotation in degree

Default: 0.0


rotation axis

Default: [1, 0, 0]


output map (mrc/map)

Default: “transformed.mrc”


Convert MTZ to MRC/MAP.

emda mtz2map [-h] --mtz MTZ --map MAP --out OUT

Named Arguments


input map (mtz)


input map (mrc/map)


output map (mrc/map)


Resample a map in Fourier space.

emda resample [-h] --map MAP --pix PIX [PIX ...] --dim DIM [DIM ...]
              [--cel CEL [CEL ...]] [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input map (mrc/map)


target pixel size (A)


target map dimensions. e.g. 100 100 100


target cell. e.g. a b c 90 90 90


output map name

Default: “resampled.mrc”


Resample map2 on map1.

emda resamplemap2map [-h] --map1 MAP1 --map2 MAP2 [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


static map (mrc/map)


map to resample (mrc/map)


output map name

Default: “resampled2staticmap.mrc”


real space correlation

emda rcc [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--mdl MDL] [--res RES] [--msk MSK] [--nrm]
         [--knl KNL] [--lgf LGF]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


Input model (cif/pdb)


Resolution (A)


input mask (mrc/map)


if True use normalized maps

Default: False


Kernel size (pixels)

Default: 5


ligand description file


local b from real space correlation

emda bfromcc [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 --res RES [--msk MSK] [--knl KNL]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


Resolution (A)


input mask (mrc/map)


Kernel size (pixels)

Default: 5


real space correlation

emda mmcc [-h] --map MAP --mdl MDL --res RES [--nrm] [--msk MSK] [--knl KNL]
          [--lgf LGF]

Named Arguments


input full/deposited map


Input model (cif/pdb)


Resolution (A)


if use, normalized maps are used

Default: False


input mask (mrc/map)


Kernel size (pixels)

Default: 5


ligand description file


Fourier space correlation

emda fcc [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--knl KNL] [--msk MSK]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


Kernel size (pixels)

Default: 5


input mask (mrc/map)


map-model validation using FSC

emda mapmodelvalidate [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 --mdf MDF [--md1 MD1] [--msk MSK]
                      [--res RES] [--bfc BFC] [--lgf LGF]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


input full atomic model


input halfmap1 atomic model


input mask (mrc/map)


Resolution (A)


Overall B factor for model. default=0.0

Default: 0.0


ligand description file


map-model FSC

emda mapmodelfsc [-h] --map MAP --mdl MDL [--msk MSK] --res RES [--bfc BFC]
                 [--lgf LGF] [--phaserand]

Named Arguments


input map


input atomic model


input mask (mrc/map)


Resolution (A)


Overall B factor for model. default=0.0 ignored by REFMAC

Default: 0.0


ligand description file


use if phase randomized FSC is calculated

Default: False


overlay maps

emda overlay [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] [--msk MSK [MSK ...]]
             [--tra TRA [TRA ...]] [--rot ROT] [--axr AXR [AXR ...]]
             [--ncy NCY] [--res RES] [--fitres FITRES] [--int INT]
             [--modelres MODELRES] [--hfm] [--mod] [--usecom]

Named Arguments


maplist for overlay


masklist for overlay


translation vector. default=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

Default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


rotation in deg. default=0.0

Default: 0.0


rotation axis. default=[1,0,0]

Default: [1, 0, 0]


number of fitting cycles. default=5

Default: 5


starting fit resol. (A). default= 6 A

Default: 6


final fit resol. (A). default= 0.0 A

Default: 0.0


interpolation method (linear/cubic). default= linear

Default: “linear”


model resol. (A). default= 5 A

Default: 5


if use employ half maps

Default: False


if use calls model overlay

Default: False


if used, center-of-mass is used to superimpose maps

Default: False


weighted average of several maps

emda average [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] [--msk MSK [MSK ...]]
             [--tra TRA [TRA ...]] [--rot ROT] [--axr AXR [AXR ...]]
             [--ncy NCY] [--res RES] [--int INT]

Named Arguments


maplist to average


masklist for maps


translation vec.

Default: [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]


rotation in deg

Default: 0.0


rotation axis

Default: [1, 0, 0]


number of fitting cycles

Default: 10


starting fit resol. (A)

Default: 6


interpolation method ([linear]/cubic)

Default: “linear”


Calculate the difference map

emda diffmap [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] [--msk MSK [MSK ...]] --res RES
             [--mod MOD] [--fit] [--ncy NCY] [--fitres FITRES] [--usecom]

Named Arguments


maplist to diffmap


masklist for maps


resolution for difference map in Angstroms.


scaling method. norm (default) - normalized FC, ampli - amplitudes in resolution bins

Default: “norm”


if used, maps are superimposed before calculating difference map

Default: False


number of fitting cycles

Default: 5


final fit resol. (A). default= 0.0 A

Default: 0.0


if used, center-of-mass is used to superimpose maps

Default: False


if used, halfmaps are used to calculate difference map

Default: False


apply mask on the map

emda applymask [-h] --map MAP --msk MSK [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


map to be masked


mask to be applied


output map name

Default: “mapmasked.mrc”


scale onemap to another

emda scalemap [-h] --m1 M1 --m2 M2 [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input map


map to be scaled


output map name

Default: “scaledmap.mrc”


calculate bestmap

emda bestmap [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--msk MSK] [--B B] [--knl KNL] [--mod MOD]
             [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


mask to be applied


relative B


kernel radius (pixels)

Default: 5


fsc type (1-resol bins, 2-local)

Default: 1


output map name

Default: “bestmap.mrc”


predict FSC based on # particles

emda predfsc [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--msk MSK] [--npa NPA [NPA ...]]
             [--bfc BFC [BFC ...]]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


mask map


n fold of particles


list of B factors


prepare data for refmac refinement

emda refmac [-h] --h1 H1 --h2 H2 [--msk MSK] [--bfc BFC [BFC ...]] [--out OUT]

Named Arguments


input halfmap1 map


input halfmap2 map


mask map


b-factor list


output mtz file name

Default: “output.mtz”


overall correlation in real space

emda occ [-h] --m1 M1 --m2 M2 [--msk MSK] [--spc SPC]

Named Arguments


input map1 map


input map2 map


mask map


space (real/fourier) for CC calculation

Default: “real”


mirror the map

emda mirror [-h] --map MAP

Named Arguments


input map


calculate model based map

emda model2map [-h] --mdl MDL --res RES --dim DIM [DIM ...] --cel CEL
               [CEL ...] [--lgf LGF] [--org ORG [ORG ...]] [--gemmi]

Named Arguments


input atomic model


Resolution (A)


map dim


cell parameters


ligand description file


map origin


if used, GEMMI is used instead REFMAC for structure factor calculation

Default: False


make composite map

emda composite [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] [--msk MSK [MSK ...]]

Named Arguments


maplist to combine


masklist for maps


magnification refinement

emda magref [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] --ref REF

Named Arguments


maplist to correct for magnification [.mrc/.map]


reference map [.mrc/.map]


center of mass

emda com [-h] --map MAP [--msk MSK]

Named Arguments


input map (MRC/MAP)


mask to apply on the map


fetch EMmap and model

emda fetch [-h] --emd EMD [EMD ...] [--all]

Named Arguments


list of EMD entries. e.g. 3651


Use to download all data (mask, map, halfdata, model)

Default: False


detect point group from the map

emda pointgroup [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] --res RES [RES ...]
                [--emd EMD [EMD ...]] [--peak_cutoff PEAK_CUTOFF] [--use_fsc]
                [--fsc_cutoff FSC_CUTOFF] [--ang_tol ANG_TOL]

Named Arguments


list of maps to find point groups


list of resolution of maps (A)


list of emdbid of maps


cutoff for Proshade peak height. default= 0.8

Default: 0.8


if used, FSC is used in place for proshade peakheight to decide point group

Default: False


cutoff for Proshade peak height, default= 0.7

Default: 0.7


angle tolerence between two axes for determining point group. default= 5 deg.

Default: 5.0


symmetrize map using point group symmetry

emda symmetrise [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] --res RES [RES ...]
                [--emd EMD [EMD ...]]
                [--pointgroup POINTGROUP [POINTGROUP ...]]
                [--peak_cutoff PEAK_CUTOFF] [--use_fsc]
                [--fsc_cutoff FSC_CUTOFF] [--ang_tol ANG_TOL]

Named Arguments


list of maps to find point groups


list of resolution of maps (A)


list of emdbid of maps


list of point groups


cutoff for Proshade peak height. default= 0.8

Default: 0.8


if used, FSC is used in place for proshade peakheight to decide point group

Default: False


cutoff for Proshade peak height, default= 0.7

Default: 0.7


angle tolerence between two axes for determining point group. default= 5 deg.

Default: 5.0


rebox map and model using a mask

emda rebox [-h] --map MAP [MAP ...] --msk MSK [MSK ...] [--mdl MDL [MDL ...]]

Named Arguments


list of map names for reboxing


list of mask names for reboxing


list of model names (pdb/cif) for reboxing